Welcome to my website! I’m Dr. Sachin Abeywardana, an experienced Deep Learning Engineer specialized in NLP and Computer Vision. I offer my expertise as a consultant, having successfully delivered transformative solutions across various industries. Notably, as Lead ML Engineer at Canva, I innovated customer service using NLP, employing BERT for feedback classification and fine-tuning GPT2 for content titles. At Remi AI, I predicted demand and optimized prices using advanced DL models, whilst also mentoring other data scientists. In my role at Data Processors, I improved sports betting models and video analysis using Computer Vision. Holding a Ph.D. in Bayesian ML, my research includes quantile regression and market segmentation. I’m also a Udemy Instructor, contributing to the ML community. As a consultant, I aim to drive innovation and collaboration, offering custom AI solutions to push boundaries and achieve exceptional results. Feel free to get in touch with me on LinkedIn.