This is an alternative implementation of prophet which uses quantile regression instead of MCMC sampling. It provides the following benefits over prophet:
- GPU usage.
- Strict(er) upper and lower bounds.
- Can add any other set of features to the time series.
The time series is implemented as follows: $$ \begin{aligned} y &= b(T(t) + S(t) + F(x)|l,u) \\ T(t) &= mt + a \\ S(t) &= \sum_{n=1}^N\left(a_n \cos\left(\frac{2\pi nt}{P}\right) + b_n \sin\left(\frac{2\pi nt}{P}\right)\right) \\ F(x) &= w^T x\\ b(y|l,u) &= \begin{cases} l \quad \text{if } y < l \\ y \quad \text{if } l < y < u \\ u \quad \text{if } y > u \end{cases} \end{aligned} $$
where $T(t)$ is the trend line, $S(t)$ are the seasonal components composed of a fourier sum, $F(x)$ is a linear function which weights features that is not related to time.
The task is therefore to find the parameters $a, m, \cup_n a_n, \cup_n b_n, w$ that minimises a loss function $l(\hat{y}, y)$. The default is set to minimise $l1$ loss $\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N |y_i - \hat{y_i}|$ so that the reliance on outliers is minimised. By default we also calculate the 5th and 95th quantile by minimising the tilted loss function. The quantile functions are calculated as: $$ \begin{aligned} y_5 &= b(\hat{y} - (m_5 t + a_5)|l,u) \\ y_{95} &= b(\hat{y} + (m_{95} t + a_{95})|l,u) \end{aligned} $$
pip install profetorch
ProFeTorch Training¶
model_params = {'y_n':10, 'm_n':7, 'l':0, 'h': train_df['y'].max() * 2}
model = Model(model_args=model_params, epochs=30, alpha=1e-2)
y_pred = model.predict(df)
plt.scatter(df['ds'], df['y'], label='Data')
plt.plot(train_df['ds'], y_pred[:train_len,1], c='r', label='Train Set')
plt.fill_between(train_df['ds'], y_pred[:train_len,0], y_pred[:train_len,2], alpha=0.5)
plt.plot(test_df['ds'], y_pred[train_len:,1], c='g', label='Test Set')
plt.fill_between(test_df['ds'], y_pred[train_len:,0], y_pred[train_len:,2], alpha=0.5)
Obviously more works needs to be done as seen in the graph above. However, note that:
- The seasonal component is captured.
- The quantiles are asymmetric, which cannot happen in the fb-prophet case.
- I will fix these short comings if there is enough interest.