GPT2 is well known for it’s capabilities to generate text. While we could always use the existing model from huggingface in the hopes that it generates a sensible answer, it is far more profitable to tune it to our own task. In this example I show how to correct grammar using GPT2. While results aren’t perfect, had I been given enough time and (compute) resources we could have a possible replacement to chrome’s default grammar correction. If you wish to run this yourself, a working example can be found in this kaggle kernel.
GPT2 Model Architecture
As a quick primer on GPT2, note that GPT2 is a decoder only transformer. What this means is that GPT2 is only allowed to pay attention to the current token and the previous tokens. This is in contrast to encoder only transformers like BERT.
The reason that this architecture is important is that when it comes to generation time, the only tokens that ought to be visible are the previous tokens. During training, this effect is achieved by making the Attention matrix triangular.
For some odd reason GPT2 does not ship with beginning of sentence or end of sentence tokens. It only contains the padding token natively. Therefore, we need to add these to our tokenizer. As a result of this change, we also need to change the number of embeddings in GPT2 model and hence, language_model.resize_token_embeddings(len(tokenizer)). This will randomly initialise the embeddings for just the new embeddings while we maintain the previously trained embeddings for all other tokens.
There are two cases for tokenizing. 1. During training we have both input_sentence and corrected output_sentence. We add a bos token, seperate with a sep token and append a eos token. 2. In the inference stage, we only have access to input_sentence. Therefore, we end those sentences with bos. This logic is captured in the __call__ method below.
class Tokenizer:def__init__(self, tokenizer, max_len: int):self.tokenizer = tokenizerself.max_len = max_lenself.bos = tokenizer.bos_tokenself.eos = tokenizer.eos_tokenself.sep = tokenizer.sep_tokenself.num_special_tokens =len(self.tokenizer.all_special_tokens)def__getattr__(self, attribute: str):ifhasattr(self.tokenizer, attribute):returngetattr(self.tokenizer, attribute)else:raiseAttributeError(f"{attribute} not found")def__call__(self, input_sentences: List[str], output_sentences: Optional[List[str]]=None, device:torch.device=None) -> AutoTokenizer:if output_sentences isNone: sentences = [self.bos + x +self.sep for x in input_sentences]else: sentences = [self.bos + x +self.sep + y +self.eos for x, y inzip(input_sentences, output_sentences)] tokenized =self.tokenizer( sentences, truncation=True, padding=True, return_tensors="pt", max_length=self.max_len, )if device isnotNone:return {key: for key, tensor in tokenized.items()}return tokenizeddef decode(self, x: Dict[str, torch.LongTensor]):return [self.tokenizer.decode(sentence[:sentence_len]) for sentence, sentence_len inzip(x["input_ids"], target["attention_mask"].sum(axis=-1))]def batch_decode(self, encoded_outputs: torch.LongTensor) -> List[str]:returnself.tokenizer.batch_decode(encoded_outputs.cpu(), skip_special_tokens=True)def__len__(self):returnlen(self.tokenizer)# get text base and transformlanguage_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(LANGUAGE_MODEL)tokenizer = Tokenizer( AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( LANGUAGE_MODEL, bos_token="<|startoftext|>", eos_token="<|endoftext|>", pad_token="<|pad|>", sep_token="<|sep|>" ), MAX_LEN,)language_model.resize_token_embeddings(len(tokenizer))
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
(Huggingface) Datasets
Due to huge kudos to HF’s new dataset API we can train large (streaming) datasets. In the following block we use the c4 dataset which contains grammar correction paris. We keep the first 100,000 as a valid dataset and the rest for training. I’m unsure what the group_batch was for. Just copied it from a tutorial.
data = datasets.load_dataset("liweili/c4_200m", cache_dir="/kaggle/working/", streaming=True, split="train")\ .shuffle(seed=42, buffer_size=10_000)c4_valid = data.take(100000)c4_train = data.skip(100000)def group_batch(batch):return {k: [v] for k, v in batch.items()}train_dl =, batched=True, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)valid_dl =, batched=True, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
Let’s breakdown the following LightningModule.
Freezing parameters
I am personally not a fan of training the embeddings. Reason being that during training, we only see a fraction of all possible tokens. Some tokens appearing more frequently than others. So it seems unfair that we update some embeddings, while others do not get a chance to be updates. Therefore, it seems in terms of making the model resillient to unseen tokens, we should freeze the embeddings.
However, given that we have 3 new tokens (bos, eos, sep), what we do instead is every few batches, we reset the embeddings of existing tokens to what we started with.
if (batch_idx +1) %100==0:self.model.transformer.wte.weight[:-self.tokenizer.num_special_tokens].data =self.original_embed_weights
In the same thought process I believe that it is beneficial freeze the bottom 2 layers (out of 12) of the transformer. This again is a step to avoid overfitting to our training data.
How we use the data
The dataset defined above returns batch which is a dictionary with keys input and output. The input contains the incorrect grammar sentences, while the other contains the corrected setences. While we can match input to output, it is also important for the model to understand when not to do anything. i.e. return the input when it sees a good sentence. Therefore, in common_step you will see input matched with output while also matching output with output.
Calculating Loss
HF transformers luckily takes care of calculating most of the loss for us. The loss is simply given the current token, what is the cross entropy loss over all possible tokens.
However, there are two cases that we need to ignore. In order to ignore a token you simply set the label to -100. This is a special label outlined in the torch cross-entropy docs. 1. When some sentences are shorter than others in the batch. This is given to us by the tokenizer’s attention_mask. 2. The second case which is not entirely necessary is that we do not need to calculate loss before the sep token. This is due to the fact that the model will always be given the input sentence. We do not need to burden the model further to learn the structure of the incoming sentence. This is why we generate a mask defined by mask = (good_grammar_labels == self.tokenizer.sep_token_id).roll(shifts=1, dims=-1).cumsum(dim=-1) == 0.
In order to prove that the model is learning, the following results show the generated text at the outset of training (which is just jibberish). This is to be expected since the model does not understand what a sep token is or what to do with it.
The following are the results after 10 epochs. Which are clearly showing great improvement, but still not perfect. For instance, it doesn’t seem to understand you only capitalize only at the beginning of a sentence. However, as seen in row 23 it seems to be intelligent enough to copy across names such as Conor and nouns such as British.
In summarising the main points made in this article, 1. Freeze the lower layers, and only train the new token embeddings. 2. Calculate loss for only what is necessary.
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