This post describes how to use the coco dataset for semantic segmentation. Kudos to this blog for giving me the necessary hints to create this.
train_annotations = COCO(ROOT_PATH / "annotations/instances_train2017.json" )
valid_annotations = COCO(ROOT_PATH / "annotations/instances_val2017.json" )
cat_ids = train_annotations.getCatIds(supNms= ["person" , "vehicle" ])
train_img_ids = []
for cat in cat_ids:
train_img_ids.extend(train_annotations.getImgIds(catIds= cat))
train_img_ids = list (set (train_img_ids))
print (f"Number of training images: { len (train_img_ids)} " )
valid_img_ids = []
for cat in cat_ids:
valid_img_ids.extend(valid_annotations.getImgIds(catIds= cat))
valid_img_ids = list (set (valid_img_ids))
print (f"Number of validation images: { len (valid_img_ids)} " )
Number of training images: 74152
Number of validation images: 3125
class ImageData(Dataset):
def __init__ (
self ,
annotations: COCO,
img_ids: List[int ],
cat_ids: List[int ],
root_path: Path,
transform: Optional[Callable]= None
) -> None :
super ().__init__ ()
self .annotations = annotations
self .img_data = annotations.loadImgs(img_ids)
self .cat_ids = cat_ids
self .files = [str (root_path / img["file_name" ]) for img in self .img_data]
self .transform = transform
def __len__ (self ) -> int :
return len (self .files)
def __getitem__ (self , i: int ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.LongTensor]:
ann_ids = self .annotations.getAnnIds(
imgIds= self .img_data[i]['id' ],
catIds= self .cat_ids,
iscrowd= None
anns = self .annotations.loadAnns(ann_ids)
mask = torch.LongTensor(np.max (np.stack([self .annotations.annToMask(ann) * ann["category_id" ]
for ann in anns]), axis= 0 )).unsqueeze(0 )
img = io.read_image(self .files[i])
if img.shape[0 ] == 1 :
img =[img]* 3 )
if self .transform is not None :
return self .transform(img, mask)
return img, mask
Image Augmentations
When using augmentations we need to be careful to apply the same transformation to image and the mask. So for example when doing a random crop as below, we need to make it somewhat deterministic. The way to do that in torch is by getting the transformation parameters and then using torchvision.transforms.functional
which are deterministic transformations.
def train_transform(
img1: torch.LongTensor,
img2: torch.LongTensor
) -> Tuple[torch.LongTensor, torch.LongTensor]:
params = transforms.RandomResizedCrop.get_params(img1, scale= (0.5 , 1.0 ), ratio= (0.75 , 1.33 ))
img1 = TF.resized_crop(img1, * params, size= IMAGE_SIZE)
img2 = TF.resized_crop(img2, * params, size= IMAGE_SIZE)
# Random horizontal flipping
if random.random() > 0.5 :
img1 = TF.hflip(img1)
img2 = TF.hflip(img2)
return img1, img2
train_data = ImageData(train_annotations, train_img_ids, cat_ids, ROOT_PATH / "train2017" , train_transform)
valid_data = ImageData(valid_annotations, valid_img_ids, cat_ids, ROOT_PATH / "val2017" , train_transform)
train_dl = DataLoader(
shuffle= True ,
drop_last= True ,
num_workers= 4 ,
pin_memory= True ,
valid_dl = DataLoader(
shuffle= False ,
drop_last= False ,
num_workers= 4 ,
pin_memory= True ,
The following demos a single output.
img, mask = train_data[22 ]
plt.figure(figsize= (12 , 5 ))
plt.subplot(121 )
plt.subplot(122 )
Run the following commented out section to see how long data loading takes. It takes approximately 10 minutes to run through an epoch without any modelling.
x, y = next (iter (train_dl))
print (x.shape, y.shape)
# for x, y in tqdm(train_dl):
# continue
torch.Size([64, 3, 128, 128]) torch.Size([64, 1, 128, 128])